

“We Should Consider...”

Being a Christian is not simply something that we do and never give thought to who we are or what we're doing. Instead, we are instructed to be thoughtful about our godly service, fully aware of the importance of our work in His kingdom. This was the point of the inspired writer when he wrote:

For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.
Hebrews 12:3


As with so many other passages in scripture, this single verse teaches us many valuable things. First, take a moment to "consider" the word "consider." The Holy Spirit is making a deliberate request of saints to actively think about not only Jesus but also how His experiences compare with our own. This ought not be a rare and passing thought for Christians, but rather a frequent part of our regular thought process.

Second, the Holy Spirit advises us to consider "Him." Jesus Christ is the very center of everything that we do, think, and say as servants of the most high God. If humanity would remember this, it would go along way in clearing up the confusion that comes from false doctrine that has everything but Jesus as the center of our lives.

Third, the writer wants us to appreciate that just as Jesus endured, "hostility from sinners," so will we. In fact, our Lord taught us that we will be "hated" by others (sinners) for the mere reason that we have pledged ourselves to serving Him (Matthew 10:22). No one is naïve enough to think that, armed with this knowledge, that the sufferings we endure will all of the sudden be more "pleasant," but we ought to be able to take some level of comfort in knowing that we bear some similarity to our Savior (including His sufferings) as a result of our dedication to Him.

Fourth, the rationale for remembering Jesus is clearly defined by the writer. The goal of looking at Jesus and considering the Savior is to avoid both weariness and discouragement. One of the things that Christians need to always be aware of is the fact that Satan knows us and knows that one of his greatest tools is that of discouragement. That is, Satan doesn't have to get you or me to "do" something wrong, as long as he can keep us from doing right. No wonder why the Holy Spirit saw fit to provide us with this warning!

As we begin a new week, let us, too, "consider" our walk and the responsibilities that we have toward our loving God. In doing so, let us ponder the perfect sacrifice of the Christ and the suffering that He endured so that we could live. And let us never, ever, be discouraged. The work we do is worthwhile in every respect!


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  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    2/9/25 09:00am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    2/9/25 10:00am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    2/9/25 05:00pm
  4. Wed PM Bible Study
    2/12/25 07:00pm
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    2/16/25 09:00am
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