

“The Best Place To Be On Sunday”

By Don Case

It has only been a few years since Sundays were reserved for church and family gatherings. Most stores were closed and few activities were ever schedules on the Lord's Day. Today many more events are planned for Sundays such as sports, work, parties, picnics and trips. Often these events are excuses for being too busy for church and spiritual activities.

The church needs to communicate why attendance is appropriate and important in the lives of Christians. Many people say they love God but do not see the need to attend a church.

There are many very good reasons why we should go to church however just going to a church building does not make us Christians. The biblical definition of a church is a gathering of believers to worship, instruct, fellowship and pray.

Things Our Church Provides


  • Christian preaching with spiritual instructions.
  • The Lord's Supper which is a continual reminder of Christ's death and love.
  • Christian fellowship which will strengthen the best that is in us.
  • Opportunities that make our lives count for God.
  • Training opportunities through which we can find ourselves growing.
  • Service opportunities through which we can make our lives useful to God and humanity.
  • Opportunities through which we can express our gratitude to God for His grace in our lives.


Here are some valid reasons why we should go to church


  • To learn about God. The church is a training center & we should have a teachable spirit and want to learn.
  • To be in the presence of the Lord and like-minded Christians.
  • To be made whole, body, soul, and spirit. A time to pray for one another so we may be healed.
  • To stay committed.
  • To grow by being with other members that will encourage and challenge.
  • To contribute by using our gifts to bless others and to serve as Christ did.
  • To support our families and see that our children are properly trained.


Join Us and Be Devoted To Our Efforts For Christ

Our services are web-cast live each Sunday morning and evening

See our collection of
past services

  1. Sun AM Bible Study
    2/9/25 09:00am
  2. Sun AM Worship
    2/9/25 10:00am
  3. Sun PM Worship
    2/9/25 05:00pm
  4. Wed PM Bible Study
    2/12/25 07:00pm
  5. Sun AM Bible Study
    2/16/25 09:00am
  6. View Full Calendar